Nesquik is a brand name of Nestlé, which also bottles water like Perrier and San Pelegrino that is claimed to be French respectively Italian spring water when that water comes from an underground lake in Ethiopia where Nestlé daily pumps up 500,000 litres.
Nestlé produces other products that are deceptive. That this company can continue to operate is due to the interests at stake and the multitude of products it houses. Nespresso, Nestea, Starbuckx, Mövenpick and Häagen-Daz ice cream, powdered milk, baby milk, Maggi and numerous chocolate products, all from Nestlé. A total of more than 2,000 products that are formally competitors of each other but are actually owned by the same owner.
This link allows you to check which products are manufactured by Nestlé.
You are advised to stop buying these products.