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Carine Knapen

Wetenschappelijke studie PubMed (NIH) dd. 28.10.2020

Nog eens voor wie het de eerste keer niet heeft gezien ....

De C19 vaccins kunnen de ontvangers van het vaccin gevoeliger maken voor meer ernstige ziekte dan wanneer ze niet gevaccineerd zouden zijn.

"COVID-19 vaccines designed to elicit neutralising antibodies may sensitise vaccine recipients to more severe disease than if they were not vaccinated. Vaccines for SARS, MERS and RSV have never been approved, and the data generated in the development and testing of these vaccines suggest a serious mechanistic concern: that vaccines designed empirically using the traditional approach (consisting of the unmodified or minimally modified coronavirus viral spike to elicit neutralising antibodies), be they composed of protein, viral vector, DNA or RNA and irrespective of delivery method, may worsen COVID-19 disease via antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE)."

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