The rules of international law no longer apply.
The presumption of innocence no longer exists. Citizens suspected of a crime are no longer picked up and brought before a judge who examines the evidence for and against and, if guilt is established, sentences them with an appropriate punishment.
Nor does the US find it necessary (anymore ) to ask a country for permission to enter its territory to arrest a criminal nor to leave this initiative to the authorities of the country itself with a request for extradition (as is customary).
The US considers itself so supreme that it takes all international rules off the table and simply invades a country to kill a civilian with a drone strike. Here's how they do it.
Zawari was an Egyptian surgeon who allegedly succeeded Osama Bin Laden and helped coordinate the 9/11 terror attack. The latter was a former CIA member. He and his family had good ties with the Bush clan. More and more evidence is emerging about 9/11 that it was an inside job.
Why Zawari has now suddenly been murdered without trial needs no further explanation.
The Taliban has strongly condemned this assassination attempt.
We already know what its reaction will be. We can expect all kinds of terror attacks on the West again.
La vengeance est un plat qui se mange froid.
Biden lies steely. Zawahiri already died 2 years ago due to .... asthma.
