Let's start again from the beginning.
In 2014, Crimea ( Ukraine's peninsula) held a people's referendum.
95% of the citizens voted to be annexed back to Russia because they were and are predominantly Russian. President Putin accepted their independence and declared Crimea as Russian territory. Although NATO and the international community did not approve of this, they tolerated it anyway.
Simultaneously, the provinces of Donetsk and Luhansk also declared their independence in 2014. This was not accepted by Ukraine's then president Poroshenko. Incidentally, neither was Zelensky, then an actor, who mocked the Russians in Donetsk and Luhansk in several TV shows and, also, the citizens of Crimea who had meanwhile been cut off from water supplies by Poroshenko and who, not much later, got the lead role in a TV series in which he played the role of President .
Poroshenko deliberately set the Ukrainian people against the Russians, cultivated a culture of hatred and began bombing Donetsk and Luhansk province on a daily basis, killing several thousand innocent civilians, including many small children.
In 2015, two successive agreements aimed at restoring peace ( known as " Minsk I and Minsk II ) were concluded by Russia, Ukraine, the USA and Nato. Those agreeements however have never honoured by Ukraine and the West. The bombing of Donetsk and Luhansk provinces continued unabated. Meanwhile, in the UK as well as in Canada and USA, Ukrainian Nazi battalions were trained ( known as " Azzov " ) and unprecedented amounts of arms were supplied to Ukraine by the West.
President Putin has urged compliance with the Minsk agreements many times and signalled that he would not wait forever. In retaliation to Ukraine's strong arming, he sent troops to the Russian border with Donetsk and Luhansk provinces in late 2021 and signalled that if a solution was not reached soon, he would solve the problem his way. Numerous so-called peace negotiations took place in which, however, the West never intended to effectively reach a settlement that would keep the peace. Putin demanded guarantees that NATO would never use nuclear weapons against Russia. NATO and the USA refused to give that guarantee.
On 08.02.2022, Donetsk and Luhansk provinces formally declared their independence. Russia officially recognised their independence by Decree. The day after, Ukraine, this time under the auspices of President Zelensky, greatly increased its bombing of the two states. Many innocent civilians were once again killed. This was captured on camera by Western journalists who had the courage to go to the region.
President Putin issued an ultimatum that was ignored by the West.
On 24.02.2022, Putin - at the request of the Presidents of independent Donetsk and Luhansk - invaded both provinces with his forces to liberate the people.
He called and still calls this " a special military operation" to which he is obliged under international laws when a nation is in distress and calls for help.
President Zelensky immediately issued an order ordering all Ukrainian men + 18 to take up arms. Those who resisted, refused or tried to flee were shot.
In addition to the large quantity of weapons supplied to Ukraine by the international community long before the invasion, more unprecedented quantities of heavy weapons and military aircraft have been delivered to the country since 24.02.2022. No one knows what happened to all these weapons.
A lot of reports circulate that the international arms deliveries are resold and appear on the black market.
Ukraine continues to demand arms without in any way justifying what it has done with the already delivered arms or what fate they have suffered nor why and for what the new arms deliveries are required.
Ukraine has also received a staggering amount of funds over the past 11 months. The billions of financial support from the USA, the EU and individual states are uncountable. But again, no justification is presented. Any citizen who wants a ( repayable ) loan has to account for it,indicate what he wants to use the loan for and present proof of his investment. For the many free subsidies to Ukraine, however, no questions are asked. Zelensky asks for millions and billions and Zelensky gets what he asks for. Without questions. He does not have to give an account, present an accountancy sheet of his spending or intended spending. We have no idea what the many billions are for.
All governments as well as the international press talk about " the war in Ukraine ". No one has the good decency to point out exactly where that war is located. No media outlet has ever shown a map of the entire country indicating where the war zone is. The fighting between the Ukrainian and Russian armies takes place exclusively in the East. In the rest of the country, nothing is going on. Life there is going on as usual.
Ukraine is an immense country. It covers a total of 63,500 km2 ( 7% of which is water ). It is 14.4 times the size of the Netherlands and 19.7 times that of Belgium. Its coastline is 2,782 km long. The border with Russia is 1,576 km long and the distance between North and South is 900 km. Below is a map showing the war zone as it was in early January 2023. This zone covers barely 15 per cent of the total territory.
From where are the millions of Ukrainian refugees coming from ( cf. the massive refugee influx that started in the first weeks after the invasion) ?
Not from the Donbas or Luhansk region. Those who did not stay to fight fled to Russia where they were welcomed with open arms.
From where, then? Well, from the parts of the country where nothing was and is going on. They were and are mainly women with children whose husbands had been called under arms and who did not dare to stay behind alone. They were given the opportunity to leave and be taken care of in Europe, the USA and Canada, to enjoy free housing and free income much higher than what they could ever earn in their own country and ... they left.
Those who have come into view of the media cameras have regurgitated stories of the great fears they have endured at the risk of their own lives, stories none of which have been checked for veracity.
The propaganda machine is running at full speed. Ukraine and its people are labelled as victims and Russia as the big bogeyman. Although Ukraine is neither part of the EU nor NATO and don't have the slightest intention of Ukraine joining anytime soon to enjoy the benefits of membership, Ursula von der Leyen and the presidents and prime ministers of individual countries talk about the country as if it were part of the EU. They continue to persistently hurl billions and weapons towards Ukraine while Europeans groan under inflation and the measures the EU has taken vis-Ã -vis Russia, with which it has only shot itself in the foot, at the expense of its own people.
In 2014, Georges Attali, former personal adviser to French President Giscart d' Estaing announced during a political debate that a new war would break out and start in Ukraine. How did the man know that ? Simple. It was foreseen, planned and that is how it happened.
Nothing is what it seems.
