Carine Knapen
Did you know ....
1. that Danielle Smith, Premier of the State of Alberta ( Canada ) stated at a press conference on 11.10.2022 that the unvaccinated C19 are the most discriminated against group of people she has ever witnessed in her life and she publicly apologized to the unvaccinated for the crimes committed against their human rights by the Trudeau government during the Covid lock-downs?
see video with her words in this link :
2. that Prime Minister Danielle Smith in May 2023 - in response to a question from a journalist referring to her statements of 11.10.2022 - reiterated her apologies to the unvaccinated and said " you were right, we were wrong ?"
See video with her words in this link :
and in this link : ( Dutch-language article ):
3. that Prime Minister Danielle Smith is since then subject of censorship? Facebook blocked her page for several days and she posted the following tweet in this regard on 14.06.2023 :
"Big tech and government censorship are becoming a danger to freedom of expression around the world.
My Facebook account has been banned from posting content for a "few days".
As prime minister of a province with 4.6 million Albertans - if they can prevent me from communicating with you, imagine what they can do to any of us.
Regardless of our political affiliation, we must all resist censorship."
Did you know ...
4. that Prime Minister Danielle Smith is not the only one and there are a lot of world leaders, presidential candidates, prime ministers and governors of states, ministers, MPs and for that matter EURO MPs ( aka EP Christine Anderson and EP Telheres ) worldwide who have been denouncing the lock-down measures on themselves and its dire consequences on the economy and human beings as well as the harmful effects of vaccines-that-don't-work for quite some time ? It is all captured on camera and not open to interpretation.
5. that many hearings - recorded on camera - have already taken place in the US Senate on the problematic side effects of vaccines and Pfizer, Moderna, Astrazenca and JJ have already been sued in several countries for vaccine damages ?
Did you know ....
6. that German health minister Karl Lauerbach announced on national TV channel ZDF in March 2023 that 1 in 10,000 vaccinated people have serious side effects and he would release money in the budget to compensate those people ?
7. that Frank Vandenbroucke, in response, admitted that at that time 42,000 reports of side effects had also been registered in Belgium of which 17,000 were considered serious and 4 possible deaths due to the vaccine, but he has analyzed the severity while the databases of Vaers ( USA ), Eudraviligance ( EU ), VigiAcess ( WHO ) and Pfizer's internal documents show that the list of serious side effects is very long and are much worse than a mere bit of fever and some muscle pain as Frank Vandenbroucke suggests?
8. that Vandenbroucke's claim that vaccines have saved millions of lives has not and cannot be proven ? It is not because vaccinated people are still alive that it is proven that vaccines have done what they promised to do. If a " vaccine " has to be put 6 times within a time span of less than 2 years ( and the elderly are called up for the 7th ), it is clear that what is injected does not preventively protect against anything.
Did you know ....
9. that Anthony Fauci published a study in September 2022 explaining that and why vaccines do not work? Bill Gates also confirmed during the Australian Open 2023 at the Lowey Institute, on camera, that vaccines are a failure. This cannot be disputed because one was published in a leading medical journal and the other was recorded on camera. That they indeed do not work is incidentally confirmed by established practice and a multitude of other studies. It is useful to reiterate that Steven Van Gucht said in 2022 " we have never claimed that vaccines protect against infection and infectiousness " ( which is a lie because they had claimed that ) and " people get less sick " ( which has not been proven and is contradicted by practice ).
Did you know ...
10. that BBC ( UK ) and Skynews ( Australia ) announced on the news weeks ago that the Covid vaccines can cause serious side effects and called on the public to report vaccine damage ?
Do you remember ...
11. that Conner Rousseau, wanted to exclude unvaccinated people from public life and advocated that they should no longer be allowed to enter anywhere ?
12. that Frank Vandenbroucke wanted to make vaccination for healthcare mandatory from 01 July 2022 and threatened all healthcare personnel ( doctors, nurses, healthcare professionals... ) that anyone who would not get vaccinated would be fired and lose their license ? That he prepared a law to this effect that was approved by the Vivaldi government even though he was supposed to know of the risks associated with vaccination? That due to Vandenbroucke's persistent threats, many staff have left healthcare and hospitals and home care facilities are facing staff shortages ?
13. that just about all politicians, from the majority and the opposition, have promoted the vaccine as the only remedy and have swept natural immunity under the carpet while it is common knowledge that anyone who has been infected ( sick or not sick ) is not sick, is naturally protected and they also knew very well on the basis of the figures that at the highest peak no more than 12% of all tests have ever been positive ( in certain periods it was only 1.5% to 5% ) which, if translated to the total population is less than 1% which indicates that the virus was not as bad as claimed ?
To this day no Belgian politician has had the good decency to apologize for what has been done to the people. No one has the guts to admit that the freedom-restricting measures were useless and their consequences disastrous for the economy and the physical and mental health of citizens (and children ). Nobody seems to have read the many studies published on the side effects of vaccines let alone admit that there are indeed more disadvantages than advantages and they were wrong.
On the contrary. A new vaccine campaign has been announced from the autumn, which is already being confirmed that it is not known whether it will help because, those vaccines are still of the old generation while the virus keeps mutating. Viruses mutate constantly. The Covid19 virus has mutated thousands of times.
For those who do not remember, I would like to recall the changing words of Marc Van Ranst : " the symptoms of Omicron are the same as those of a common cold ". Recently, in a Dutch talk show, Marc qualified Covid as " a flu ".
Is everyone going to turn up for a 6th or 7th injection in the autumn for a common cold or flu,? ( which will be followed by an 8th and 9th ? Ursula Von Der Leyen bought 4.3 billion first-generation vaccines for the EU for a total EU population of 460 million, children included. Do the math ...)
Last week we learned that ( again ) 6 million vaccines will be destroyed and that destruction will cost €127 million. For those that have not yet expired, they would rather put them in your arm. Will you take the risk and play Russian Roulette ? Or will you opt for natural immunity this time ?
