Operation " Fishbowl " was a series of high-altitude nuclear tests carried out by the United States in 1962 as part of the larger Operation Dominic nuclear test program that also took place in 1962 and involved the launch, from the Pacific Ocean, of 31 nuclear warheads with a force of 38.1 Megatonnes detonated at high altitude and Operation Nougat that preceded it. Yes, they are original the Americans in finding names for their operations.
The peculiarity of Operation Fishbowl is that it involved launching nuclear missiles launched at even higher altitudes that were detonated at altitudes ranging from 45 km to 372 km, ostensibly to evaluate the destructive mechanisms and effects of high-yield explosions against ballistic missile RVs.
The missiles were destroyed in flight by launch base safety officials when the electronics failed (Bluegill), when the rocket motors failed (Starfish and Bluegill Prime) or when the missile went out of control (Bluegill Double Prime). The Bluegill Prime test was particularly disastrous because the rocket blew up while still on the launch pad, requiring a complete rebuild of the wrecked and plutonium-contaminated Thor launcher.
According to available drawings, nuclear explosions even took place at altitudes above 400 miles or 600 kilometers.

There is no need to draw a picture of how much damage all these nuclear explosions have caused in space ( just as, incidentally, the many nuclear tests carried out by the Americans at great depths in the Pacific Ocean, including near the Fidji Islands and the Marshall Islands, which have destroyed the fish stock and underwater fauna for eternity ).
Now, to test what the Americans claimed they wanted to test they did not have to detonate nuclear bombs on such high altitudes.
According to the ESA ( European Space Agency ) and the Belgian Egogenesis, space begins at an altitude of 100 km, where the air around our planet ends ( the so-called Carman line ).
In a space where there is no more air pressure, it makes no sense to evaluate the destructive mechanisms and effects of high yield explosions against ballistic missile RVs. Therefore, this seems to be more of a pretext. Question is what was the real purpose then of the nuclear blasts and also, why the US DoD and Nasa called this operation " fishbowl ". A fishbowl is usually a glass ball. Is the earth inside a glass ball or is there an impenetrable ceiling that they wanted to shatter, as some claim ? Or did they try to get through the Van Allen belt ?
Or maybe we should listen a little better to the subliminal message Hilary Clinton sent to the world in 2016 when she said " one day we will shatter the glass ceiling " ?
Or, maybe we should reread Genesis 1 in the Bible ?
Only questions, no sure answer ....