Dr. Stéphane Résimont
Registered letter
Concerning : ... Dear colleagues,
In the context of the summon that you sent4 me in order to be heard on Wednesday 4 January 2023, I believe that this registered letter is useful so that the essential information that I will give you during the hearing session on 4 January is already known to you and retained by both parties.
First of all, I would like to remind you that I do not recognize the legitimacy of your Inquiry Commission for four reasons, each of which is sufficient in itself:
1) I do not depend of the Regional Order of Hainaut, being registered with an Order in another province. Besides, I have not received any document from the Supreme Court to which you refer. 2) You are trying to judge me a second time for old facts for which I have already been sentenced and/or which are prescribed. 3) The complaints concern either non-established facts, or my own scientific convictions, in particular concerning the usefulness of supporting the immune system in order to better cope with a viral infection. However, the Order of Physicians is not qualified to judge the relevance or otherwise of scientific positions, but only of deontological issues. The type of complaint you present to me therefore falls outside your field of competence and can only be judged by a competent court, with expert evidence, if my patients have suffered physical injury (quod non), if there had been a fault on my part (quod non) and if there was a proven link between the established damage and this fault (quod non). 4) In view of what has happened over the last 3 years (as evidenced by numerous sources that I will pass on to you), I claim the status of a whistleblower demanding that the harassment of the dozens of Belgian doctors who have spoken out against the Covid Doxa measures cease immediately, in particular - on the French-speaking side of our country alone, and without mentioning the many doctors on the Flemish side who have suffered the same fate - Dr Pascal Sacré, Eric Beeth, Gaëtane Beeckaert, Alain Colignon, Frédéric Goaréguer, David Bouillon, Cécile Andri, Laurence Kayser, other doctors and myself, all of whom have been persecuted by the Medical Association and by doctors who clearly have conflicts of interest with the pharmaceutical laboratories, either directly or through the hospitals in which they work and which are subsidized by laboratories (see first extract from the OPEN PHARMA survey published in the newspaper Le Soir ).
Nevertheless, I agree to participate at the hearing in order to discuss with you the points contained in this registered letter, which will allow me to ensure that it is not due to a lack of information that you continue to harass the dozens of doctors who have dared to try to open a scientific debate by providing information which is contrary to the single-mindedness of Sciensano, an organisation mired in conflicts of interest, particularly with regard to fundings from Pfizer (see second extract from the OPEN PHARMA survey published in Le Soir). In essence, I am expressing my utmost concern about the plummeting credibility of Medical Association over the past three years, by recalling the following facts that discredit the Order of Physicians, as well as the complaints for which you intend to judge me:
1) When the health authorities claimed, as early as March 2020, that patients should not go to their doctors and that there was no treatment, the Order did not intervene in the least to defend doctors in their freedom to meet, examine and treat their patients, as well as the freedom to prescribe to their patients the treatments that seemed to be most appropriate. When Dr. Colignon asked the Order to rule on this right to treat Covid's patients (which is enshrined in the Code of Ethics), the Order replied that it was not qualified to deal with scientific issues. The Order therefore did not even consider itself competent to recognize the right of doctors to prescribe zinc (a recognized antiviral), vitamin D (reputed to support the immune system), Medrol (to moderate an inflammatory storm creating lung lesions), anticoagulants (for patients at risk of pulmonary embolisms) or even antibiotics to treat bacterial co-infections, which are one of the most frequent and dangerous complications of pneumopathy. 2) Completely reversing this position of scientific incompetence regarding vaccination, the Order, on the contrary, considered that it was perfectly competent to assess that the massive vaccination of the entire Belgian adult population, including young people in perfect health who were not afraid of Covid, was not only necessary, but indispensable, despite the fact that Pfizer had never even tested the decrease in transmission of the virus through the vaccine. The Order considered that this vaccine, although still in the experimental phase, was safe and effective. At the end of January 2021, the Order sent a letter to all doctors instructing them to promote these experimental injections without reservation and threatening them with sanctions if they did not. The Order thus wanted to force all doctors to trample on their Hippocratic Oath (Primum non nocere), to violate the precautionary principle and the obligation to fully inform patients (2002 Law on the protection of patients) as well as the Helsinki Declaration prohibiting human experimentation without free and informed consent. "By flouting health and the law “(to use Professor Perronne's exact words in Parliament), the Medical Association has seriously discredited itself and its leaders are at serious risk of criminal prosecution as statistics on side effects accumulate. Declaration of Helsinki: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/D%C3%A9claration_d%27Helsinki 3) The Medical Association has not been content to take no position in defense of the right of doctors to care, which is guaranteed by the Code of Ethics. It was not content either to order them to carry out dangerous medical experiments without informed consent. But the Order then started and continues to this day a veritable witch-hunt, worthy of the worst hours of the Inquisition, to harass, persecute and condemn doctors who expressed scientific opinions other than the Single Thought of a Sciensano who depends financially on the State and the Labs (notably Pfizer: Cfr annexes). Does the Order think it can annihilate all scientific debate? How can the Order, at the same time, claim to be scientifically incompetent for early treatments that have been known for a long time and, at the same time, impose on doctors to promote an experimental vaccine to the whole population without reservation and then persecute all doctors who dare to express a contrary opinion? 4) The Vice President of the Belgian National Order of Physicians, Mr. ..., confided to the Newspaper Le Soir (see appendix) saying "This vaccination plan stinks of totalitarianism", before resigning several months later... 5) The new vice-president of the National Order of Physicians, Doctor ..., declares on the official website concerning conflicts of interest of physicians that his field of expertise is Vaccinology and Vaccination. Cfr. appendix. His medical company tripled its turnover at the time of Covid (no doubt thanks to money from a laboratory). Cfr. appendices. And, ignoring his conflicts of interest, this same Doctor ... , just arrived at the function of vice-president of the National Order of Physicians, boasts about the ongoing persecution of some 40 doctors he qualifies as "anti-vax" (an abject shortcut) and that he intends to continue this movement of great cleansing... Cfr annex.
However, these are not doctors who are generally opposed to all vaccines. On the contrary, most of these doctors said that they have always been in favor of proven, effective and necessary vaccines such as traditional vaccines, but that they are just taking the liberty of drawing attention to the risks of experimental vaccination of the entire population (including young people) with a product that has demonstrated neither its harmlessness nor its effectiveness against the transmission of the virus (Pfizer admitted before the European Parliament that the effects on transmission had not been studied) and against a disease whose average age of death is 83 years and most of whose deaths could have been avoided if the authorities had not opposed early treatment. Furthermore, these doctors point out that it has been known for several decades that RNA viruses mutate too much to hope that a vaccine can be immunizing, vaccines against RNA viruses (such as Coronaviruses) are always a step behind, as is the case for flu vaccines which also immunize us against the previous year's strain, making mass vaccination for a utopian collective immunity indefensible. These doctors, crudely described as anti-vax by the new vice-president of the Order of Physicians, also point out that these vaccines are much less harmless than traditional vaccines and that we should be all the more vigilant because the short-term side effects are more serious and 30 times more numerous than with traditional vaccines. We, the alerting doctors, also point out that these new experimental vaccines are based on a SPIKE protein which is pro-inflammatory and thrombogenic, causing numerous damages to the gynaecological organs and to the heart muscle (frequent myocarditis, including in young people, strokes, infarctions causing sudden deaths in adults, which are increasing rapidly). And that the long-term damage caused by this vaccine is likely to be all the more numerous as it is based on a new messenger RNA technology likely to cause major immune disorders (since RNA orders our own cells to produce a toxic protein ) that could lead to a sharp increase in autoimmune diseases and cancers in the next 5 to 10 years. 6) The Order of Hainaut sentenced Dr. Alain Colignon, a 67-year-old cardiovascular surgeon, to a two-year (!) suspension for having communicated on early treatment and the dangers of these new experimental vaccines, propagating, according to the Order, information contrary to current scientific knowledge. We note the contradiction and the abuse of power by the Order, since the Order, in its own words, is not supposed to be able to judge the state of scientific knowledge, but only points of deontology. We also note that this sentence was purely and simply annulled by the National Order, which itself pointed out that the Order of Physicians of Hainaut had cheated, since they had replaced one of the doctors who had taken part in Dr Colignon's hearings with another doctor in order to pronounce the two-year suspension. This cheating by the Hainaut Order only serves to discredit the institution you represent even more. 7) Finally, in line with the conflict of interest he publishes, the Vice President of the National Order of Physicians, Doctor ..., continues his crusade AGAINST "anti-vax" doctors and FOR mass vaccination by organizing a Symposium soon, on February 4, 2023, in order to explain why the MANDATORY vaccination of doctors would be deontological! He ignores his conflicts of interest, makes a fool of himself and discredits the Medical Association even more seriously by forgetting to take into account the following facts: * Omicron has become 40 times more benign than the flu, making any vaccination plan irrelevant. * The side effects of this new gene therapy have proven to be disastrous. * Many alternative treatments have proven to be more effective and far less harmful than the vaccine. * Pfizer executives admitted to the European Parliament that the reduction in transmission of the virus in vaccinees had not even been studied. * Patients admitted to hospital with Covid are 80 to 90% of those vaccinated, showing that the vaccine does not prevent contamination. In view of all these elements and the sources attached to this registered letter, it seems increasingly clear that it is not the whistle-blowing doctors who should be judged, but the Order and its leaders who will have to be judged to answer for all these misdeeds and their contribution to the thousands of deaths for which they risk being judged co-responsible, both for the lack of care of Covid and for the non-voluntary medical experimentation as a result of the indefensible behaviour of the Order's leaders.
As an example, Professor Castronovo, Member of the Belgian Academy of Medicine, states in the Great Debate organized on the free media Kairos, that in the United States this number of avoidable deaths has already been estimated at more than 300,000 people. It can be assumed that this type of evaluation will soon be carried out in Belgium as well, in order to assess the responsibilities of the health authorities and in particular the criminal responsibilities of the leaders of the Order of Physicians. In Belgium, the statistics are piling up both in terms of deaths that could have been avoided if they had been treated, and in terms of the deaths and serious damage caused by the medical experimentation of these experimental vaccines that Belgian doctors were forced to promote without reservation, following the injunctions of the Order of Physicians.
Furthermore: * WHO has always insisted that vaccination campaigns should never be carried out during an epidemic * WHO modified (or rather invented) the notion of 'herd immunity' based on vaccination in December 2020 and swept natural immunity under the carpet. WHO updated the notion of herd immunity in December 2020 to include vaccination: https://www.who.int/fr/news-room/questions-and-answers/item/herd-immunity-lockdowns-and-covid-19
I am eager to try to advance the dialogue, the scientific debate and the awareness of the leaders of the Order about the serious risks they are running as criminals, and I confirm my presence at the meeting of 4 January 2023.
N.B.: I think it is essential to remind the population and the authorities that the benefit/risk balance must be estimated on an individual basis or, at least, by category of people (over 80 years old or people suffering from diabetes, immunosuppressed, etc.).
If the Pfizer study had been carried out on young people aged 20 to 30, they would have found that there is no benefit for them to compensate for myocarditis, stroke, Bell's palsy, Guillain-Barré and gynaecological damage. To push them behind their backs to get vaccinated in order to continue to have a social life has been criminal.
Furthermore, the benefits must be described over time. If the vaccine creates lower immunity for the first 15 days after vaccination, then relative protection for 3 months, then a drop in immunity in the following months and years... it is of course a fraud of the mind to measure its effectiveness only after exactly 3 months and to propagate conclusions on this extremely partial (and biased) observation of reality. It would also be a fraud to conclude that sweets are excellent for concentration and vitality by measuring that people are well boosted after 5 minutes when after an hour they are down (reactive hypoglycaemia), nor to note the long-term damage (diabetes, cancers, arthritis, etc.). These "just-in-time" observations totally distort reality and are a pure intellectual swindle.
