Insect farms, insect restaurants, insect meals, insect burgers, bread, pizza and pasta with insects....
We are increasingly inundated with images of and texts about insects. Although they are far from being established, we can no longer think of a society without. The Overton mechanism is running at full speed. We must and will eat insects.
Even the Belgian Ministry of Health is now advertising insects on social media, including Facebook in a paying way.
"Insects are a safe and regulated source of protein!
Did you know that:
- insects are an alternative source of animal protein. They consist of polyunsaturated fats, protein, fiber, various vitamins and minerals;
- these products are safe and regulated: the insect's common name and its Latin name must be mentioned on the packaging, as well as the specific statements laid down in European legislation. Producers must mention that this ingredient can cause allergic reactions in consumers with known allergies to crustaceans, molluscs or mites, even for non-prepacked products;
- examples of insects authorized by the EU in our food are the African spider locust, the yellow mealworm and the house cricket;
- within the EU, Belgium is a pioneer in allowing its citizens to eat insects.
Want to know more? Read us the article on our website about it:
On the government website ( why is the domain name in another language than the national languages ? ) there is also detailed how good insects are for our ... health. And yes, of course, it is also a sustainable alternative to meat and meat-processed products.
We see here a repetition of the same phenomenon as with the experimental mRNA vaccines that were also warmly recommended as safe and effective while at the time of commercialization, virtually no data were available on the so-called safety ( other than the internal documents of the pharma giants who, however, anxiously kept them secret).
How on earth is it possible that mass production and consumption of insects is recommended while no data are available on the claimed safety and that the impact on the health of the Western population has not yet been measured? What will they say if in time it turns out that insects and chitin in insects is not as safe as claimed ? Oops, " we didn't know ? "
Below is another commercial video on, among other things, insect burgers, which is widely circulating on social media. In this case, it is no longer about dried ground insects but live worms and other insects.