They said that Ivermectine was a medicine for horses and no good for human use.
As it appears it was yet again a lie. The more and more peer-reviewed studies are published that establish for a fact that Ivermectine is a miracle drug.
Statistically significant improvements are seen for mortality, ventilation, ICU admission, hospitalization, recovery cases and viral clearance. All remain significant after exclusions. . 59 studies from 53 independent teams in 23 different countries show statistically significant improvements in isolation (41 primary outcome, 39 most serious outcome)

Then there is also this study :
The SAIVE Trial (NCT 05305560) is a Phase 2, multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, parallel-group clinical study, evaluating the safety and efficacy of ivermectin tablets taken orally for 28 days, under the oversight of a U.S. based independent Data Monitoring Committee. The study was conducted in Bulgaria between March and November 2022.
All participants were unvaccinated adults and had been exposed to the virus within 5 days of screening after documented close contact with a person who had a PCR-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection. Participants randomized to ivermectin group showed a highly statistically significant reduction (72%) of laboratory-confirmed infections between baseline and Day 28 (30/200) versus placebo (105/199), the study's primary endpoint, with p<0,0001.
No safety signals related to daily intake of ivermectin, 200 microgram/kg on Day 1 then 100 microgram/kg daily from Day 2 to Day 28 were identified during the study. The company plans to share the final analysis of the study in a peer-reviewed publication at a later date.
“The SAIVE study provides encouraging data demonstrating efficacy and safety of ivermectin in prevention of Covid-19 infection in a postexposure situation. It supports the development of a long-acting injectable, said Christophe Douat, CEO of MedinCell. Such a longacting injectable would provide a complementary tool against Covid-19. Several candidate formulations of ivermectin are ready for clinical batch manufacturing to start regulatory preclinical and clinical development. We will be reviewing the strategy for this asset based on this top line result and the upcoming comprehensive analysis of the study.”