In 2020, Alibaba has indicated the carbon emissions on its platform for every product when you buy it. Many supermarket chains have followed its lead, including Belgium.
This is a form of competition distortion because, it's not the manufacturer or supplier that determines the carbon footprint of its products, but the wholesale chains that offer them to the consumer, who is then also burdened with feelings of guilt if he buys a product that is allegedly "polluting". And it doesn't stop there. Citizens are also encouraged to change their lifestyle.
* Eat less meat. The production of red meat in particular (such as beef, lamb and many types of sausages) releases huge amounts of greenhouse gases and uses a lot of water. Cows and sheep also emit huge amounts of methane, which also contributes to global warming.
* Eat local seasonal products. By eating seasonal products produced locally, you reduce the distance over which food has to be transported.
* Leave the car at home. Walk, cycle or use public transport as often as possible.
* Avoid flying whenever possible. Opt for an alternative form of transport, such as the train, or choose another holiday destination that does not require you to board a plane.
* Unplug electrical appliances. Electrical appliances consume power even when they are not on! Don't put your appliances on standby, but unplug them when not in use.
* Switch to appliances that use less energy. LED bulbs use much less energy than halogen bulbs. Also, when buying new appliances, choose energy-efficient models.
* Choose sustainable energy suppliers. Switch to a supplier that supplies green electricity.
* Insulate your house. Good insulation of your roof and walls will help you save energy when heating your home.
* Avoid 'fast fashion'. Cheap clothes that do not last long not only create a lot of waste that cannot be recycled properly, but their production also uses large amounts of water and chemicals that can end up in groundwater. On top of this comes the transport required.
* Buy less. Choose good-quality products that last longer.
* Shop at sustainable companies. Choose companies that consciously try to reduce their carbon footprint for items you need regularly, such as paper tissues.
At Davos 2022, J. Michael Evan, CEO of Alibaba stated that they were working on an individual carbon footprint tracker. This is a system that can measure how and where you travel to, what means of transport you use, what you eat and purchase as a consumer on the platform,
Anyone who thought this was a fantasy of a complete madman has thought wrong. On 19.10.2022, the US EPA ( United States Environmental Protection Agency ) released the first " household carbon footprint calculator ". The calculator estimates each household's footprint in three areas: home energy, transport and waste.
Other agencies immediately followed :
Also in the UK :
In the Netherlands :
Flanders :
For now, this calculator is a tool that anyone is free to use. It is presented as an instrument to become more environmentally conscious " simply as a way to know how much CO2 you consume for your own purposes".
What will be next ? A social credit system that will charge you based on your behaviour. There is already a Dutch website that clarifies what is meant :
"The social credit system is an ambitious initiative to build a database that tracks individual, business and government behaviour across the country in real time.
The system will use big data to build a high-trust society in which individuals and organisations follow the law. It will do this by assigning social credit scores to each entity based on their behaviour, which will be translated into a variety of rewards and punishments.
While most coverage of the social credit system focuses on its relationship with individual citizens, it also applies to two other groups. There is one social credit system for citizens, one for companies and other organisations and one for government officials.
Broadly speaking, the main purpose of the social credit system is to monitor and assess the reliability of each group."
NOTE : There is no way to find out who is behind this website. The website does not identify itself. So the site should be viewed with caution.
However, that something is in the making, is certain. In Italy, the first " smart citizen wallet " will soon be introduced. Smart Citizen is funded by the EU and has been launched in September 2022.