"Krokusvakantie wordt een drama. Microbioloog Herman Goossens maakt zich grote zorgen over de verspreiding van de Britse variant. In Zwitserland en Oostenrijk zijn er grote uitbraken met dat virus en dat zijn net gebieden waar veel Belgen naartoe reizen om te gaan skiën" https://www.msn.com/.../krokusvakantie.../ar-BB1cQGDR...
Dit is niet waar.
15.01.2021. " Tot nu toe zijn er amper 100 " verdachte" gevallen vastgesteld in Oostenrijk " ( op 9.035.500 inwoners )
18.01.2021. Sinds december zijn in Zwitserland 90 besmettingen vastgesteld met een nieuwe variant ( op 8.689.000 inwoners ). Beperkt tot bepaalde locaties. Het is niet geweten over welke varianten het gaat. In Wengen : op 1000 testen slechts 7 x positief op de Britse mutatie.

_________ Oostenrijkse wetenschappers bevestigen dat er geen bewijzen zijn dat Britse mutatie besmettelijker is en meer ernstige ziekte veroorzaakt. https://austrianpress.com/.../what-we-know-about-the-new.../
QUESTION : What is special about the new British virus strain?
Answer: This new variant is characterized primarily by the fact that it is defined by a total of 17 mutations, i.e. a particularly large number of changes at once. About half of these mutations affect the so-called spike protein, i.e. the spike protein on the surface of the virus with which it attaches to human cells. Of these mutations, some are known in their own right, such as N501Y. Changes to this part of the virus’s surface could THEORETICALLY make the virus more infectious and easier to spread between people.
QUESTION Do such mutations not occur frequently? Answer: Yes and no. Sars-CoV-2 is an RNA virus, and mutations happened naturally as the virus replicated. On average, there are one to two mutations in its genome EVERY MONTH. Fortunately, this is a lower mutation rate than in influenza viruses. MANY THOUSANDS OF MUTATIONS have already occurred in Sars-CoV-2, 4,000 in the spike protein alone, but only a very small minority have altered the virus in any significant way.
The best known mutation is called D614G, which is also a mutation of the spike protein. This variant has gained worldwide acceptance since the spring – presumably because it is more infectious. However, it is NOT KNOWN that Sars-CoV-2 has become more dangerous or weaker as a result.
QUESTION: Is the infection rate of the new variant really 70 percent higher, as British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said?
Answer: Scientifically, it is NOT really POSSIBLE TO SAY. The higher infection rate has been calculated on the basis of the faster spread of the virus in certain areas where the new variant is also circulating. For the time being, however, this is only a correlation and NOT a causality, as Nick Loman explains. In other words, the higher rate of spread could theoretically also have something to do with other factors, such as a random accumulation of superspread events.
QUESTION : Is the new variant more dangerous?
Answer: We don’t know yet. Mutations that make viruses more infectious do not necessarily make them more dangerous. In the U.K., the new variant is currently being studied at full speed to determine whether it increases or decreases the severity of the disease. Susan Hopkins, medical advisor to NHS Test and Trace and Public Health England, commented, “There’s NO EVIDENCE at the moment that this strain causes more severe disease, although it’s been detected over a wide geographical area.” https://austrianpress.com/.../what-we-know-about-the-new.../
Zoekt u een verklaring voor de paniekberichtgeving inzake de Krokusvakantie ?
Lees dan het volgende :
"Volgens professor Goossens zitten we in een race tegen de tijd: er moet massaal worden gevaccineerd om de variant voor te blijven. Door te testen kan de verspreiding volgens hem alleen worden vertraagd, niet stopgezet."
"We moeten het vertragen zodat we de lente kunnen bereiken en we de kans krijgen om zoveel mogelijk mensen te vaccineren", aldus de professor bij Het Laatste Nieuws. "Voor mij is het echt een wedloop tegen de tijd. We moeten massaal vaccineren. En de mensen moeten zich houden aan de regels."