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:Although Pfizer has meanwhile admitted before the European Parliament that their vaccine has never been tested on the reduction of infections and transmission of the virus on others and that, similarly, many experts in all European countries have also admitted that vaccines do not protect against contamination and transmission, France is nevertheless launching an official campaign to convince the French people to proceed with a 4th booster inoculation against Covid (which is thus a 6th injection in a period of less than two years).

The French Ministry of Health does not seem to care about its words and advices which are beyond absurd. Here are its recommendations. Judge for yourself.

"Since October 3, 2022, the Ministry of Health and Prevention strongly encourages the most fragile people to proceed to a new booster vaccination. Regardless of the number of boosters received so far, this concerns :

- people over 60 years of age,

- residents of EHPAD and USLD,

- people at risk of severe disease (immunocompromised, pregnant women,

- people under 60 identified as being at risk), people living in the vicinity of or

in regular contact with immuno compromised or vulnerable people,

- professionals in the health and medico-social sectors.

- This booster vaccination will be carried out preferably with bivalent mRNA vaccines, targeting in particular the variants of the virus currently circulating on the national territory (derived from Omicron).

From now on and if they wish, all French people (aged 12 and over) can also receive this booster against Covid.

The administration of this booster dose will have to respect the minimum recommended time between two vaccinations, namely :

- 3 months for people aged 80 and over, for residents in EHPAD or USLD, for immunocompromised people;

- 6 months for the others.

- In the case of a recent infection, a delay of 3 months should be allowed between the infection and the booster dose. "

So, if you are ill with Covid, you should not be vaccinated. The same rule applies if you have tested positive in the last 3 months. If you test positive regularly but are asympthomatic each time, you cannot go for the injection but should wait at least 3 months after the last infection.

Now, why is it that among all the people who have already been vaccinated several times, there are still so many sick and infected?

For the record, all the governments and health authorities said at the time: "get vaccinated, after two vaccinations the virus won't stand a chance". Practice shows that this is not the case, not after the 3rd, not after the 4th, not after the 5th and not after the 6th either.

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