Hebben jullie al opgemerkt dat Facebook Inc. haar benaming in stilte veranderd heeft in Meta Platforms Inc. ?
En ... dat zij ook haar concept volledig verandert ?
3D AI Virtual/ Augmented Reality
R.I.P. ( Responsible Innovation Principles )
PRINCIPLE #1 Never surprise people We are transparent about how our products work and the data they collect. We communicate clearly and candidly so people can understand the tradeoffs we considered, and make informed decisions about whether and how to use our products. Since augmented and virtual reality are new experiences for most people, we explain how our products should be used safely and responsibly.
PRINCIPLE #2 Provide controls that matter Augmented and virtual reality technologies blend the virtual and physical worlds, and people’s expectations about how they should work are still developing. We provide controls — where and when they matter — to put people in charge of their experience. This includes visual indicators and physical controls such as camera shutters, age and comfort ratings in VR, and enabling people to set personal boundaries in virtual worlds. We won’t offer controls for everything, but people should always have enough information to make informed choices about whether and how to use our products.
PRINCIPLE #3 Consider everyone In a world where augmented and virtual reality technology might someday be ubiquitous, it’s critical that we consider everyone who comes into contact with our products. We build products that are inclusive of our diverse community and design hardware that isn’t one-size-fits all. Just like when the camera was invented and society established norms around when it was appropriate to take photos, we also need to consider people who aren’t using our products, such as by adding indicators when cameras are in use. We know we can’t do this alone, so we conduct user research and work with in-house and external experts.
PRINCIPLE #4 Put people first When deciding what’s right for our business, the individual, and the community, we prioritize what’s best for most people in the community. This starts with being responsible stewards of people’s data. When we do collect data, we treat it with the sensitivity it deserves. We take precautions with particularly personal types of data — whether it is being collected for research purposes or to power our products.
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