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Er beweegt ook wat in Brazilië

Op 03.12.2020 sprak Volkan Bozkir, Voorzitter van de Algemene Vergadering van de Verenigde Naties, tijdens zijn openingsspeech de volgende woorden : (fragmenten )

" COVID-19 is first and foremost a global health crisis. But it is at the same time an economic crisis, a development crisis, a humanitarian crisis, and a human rights crisis. We face the deepest global recession since the Great Depression and the broadest collapse in incomes since 1870. The world economy has shrunk by 4.4 %. Global extreme poverty is expected to rise for the first time in over 20 years. Up to 115 million people are at risk of being pushed into extreme poverty.

Foreign investments have been evaporating. Trade and travel restrictions; steep declines in export earnings, tourism and remittances, all put at risk the livelihoods of billions all around the world. "

Our global development trajectory has been hijacked. Each country is feeling the pressure, yet, those that were already lagging behind, took the worst hit. Ongoing humanitarian crises have worsened, as a famine of unprecedented proportion threatens the poorest people in the world.

This pandemic has disproportionately affected the most vulnerable members of our societies – women, children, the elderly, the disabled, refugees, migrants, those living in slums and the homeless. It revealed the structural inequalities and obstacles to the full enjoyment of human rights.

Lockdown measures have led to increased gender-based violence and domestic abuse of women. Many women will not be returning to the workforce, as they disproportionately shoulder the burden of unpaid care and home schooling. Young people feel frustrated, as their education, community engagement and employment opportunities are restrained.

Pandemic-related disruptions in health and nutrition services could result in increased rates of child deaths from preventable causes.

Already far from their homes due to conflicts, disasters, and persecution, refugees and internally displaced persons are suffering further due to the pandemic. And increases in racist discourse, hatred, stigmatization, stereotyping and misinformation have been accompanying the pandemic.

The world is looking to the UN for leadership, to step up and take demonstrable action to address the greatest challenge our world is facing today.What we need to do is clear: First, we must start with ensuring fair and equitable access to vaccines.

Providing everyone with access to COVID-19 vaccines is both the right thing to do and the smart thing to do. From a moral standpoint, we have an obligation to leave no one behind and to protect the most vulnerable. From a practical standpoint, the value of any vaccine is entirely dependent on how many people can get it.

Secondly,we must ensure that adequate financial resources are available to achieve an inclusive and resilient recovery. We need to join forces to address the challenges of debt vulnerability and diminished fiscal space.

I encourage International Financial Institutions and partner countries to do what they can to ease debt burdens, facilitate investment, and leverage development assistance during this crucial period. If necessary, we must pool financial resources to create investment funds. While tackling the immediate consequences of the pandemic, we must also work towards the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), uphold our pledge to leave no one behind and ensure that our recovery efforts spur on the SDGs.

Samengevat : ze weten dus perfect wat de desastreuze gevolgen zijn van de maatregelen op de wereldbevolking en -economie. Voor de volledige toespraak ( uitgeschreven en op video ) klik hier :

Op zelfde datum, hetzij 03.12.2020 heeft Ernesto Ajauro, Minister van Buitenlandse Zaken van Brazilië tijdens zijn toespraak op het forum van de VN, NEEN gezegd tegen de Great Reset van het technocratisch WEF dat uitgerold wordt door de VN.

Daags nadien heeft hij een tweet gepost met volgende inhoud : " The pandemic must not lead to totalitarian social control or the abrogation of fundamental freedoms. Freedom is foundational to the UN and essential to human dignity. Brazil stands for freedom. No to the “Great Reset” My speech at UN session on Covid:

________ P.S. hebben wij hierover IETS gehoord in de Belgische mainstream media ? Neen, natuurlijk niet.

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