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Writer's pictureWWHISPER


Author : Blckbx

"Five months after a Wob request, it turns out that 437,593 of the 11 million insured people of the German Technician's Health Insurance Fund (TK) had to undergo medical treatment for side effects of vaccination in 2021. That's 1 in 25 and an increase of 3,000 % ! This week, the Techniker Krankenkasse (TK) finally provided facts and figures on the number of treatments the fund had to reimburse in 2021 due to (serious) side effects of corona vaccines. It took a lot of struggle and effort to get answers to the Wob request.

In 2021, the enormously high number of 437,593 insured people, or 1 in 25, received medical treatment for side effects of vaccination, reports the Techniker Krankenkasse. This number is almost twice as high as all reports of adverse reactions reported by the Paul Ehrlich Institute (PEI), Germany's Lareb, and represented a 3,000% increase for TK compared to 2019 and 2020.

1:500 punctures

The figures also suggest that the figure of 1:5,000 serious adverse reactions per prick reported by the German ministry last week is much higher in reality. Based on the figure from the Techniker Krankenkasse, as many as one in 500 injections is expected to cause a serious side effect, and by 2021, 3.3 million Germans would have had to seek treatment from a doctor because of side effects from corona pricks. Serious side effects include (facial) paralysis, persistent pain and nerve problems, severe skin reactions, heart attacks, strokes, heart muscle inflammation, permanent disability and death.

The Wob request to the health insurance fund TK asked for the billing figures from 2019 to 2021 per quarter and per person for the reporting codes T881 - Complications after vaccination (immunisation), not elsewhere classified, including skin rash after vaccination, T88.0 - Infection after vaccination (immunisation), including sepsis after vaccination (immunisation), U12.9 - Adverse reactions to the use of COVID-19 vaccines, unspecified and Y.59 .9 - Adverse complications due to vaccines or biologically active substances.

"The data provided shows that the Techniker Krankenkasse had to reimburse 147,235 medical treatments in 2021 for code U12.9 - Adverse reactions to the use of COVID-19 vaccines, unspecified - alone. All codes listed below involve serious adverse reactions requiring treatment by a doctor.

In 2019, among the 11 million insured, a total of 13,777 medical treatments were necessary due to vaccine side effects. In 2020, there were 15,044. In 2021, the number shot up to 437,593, an increase of more than 3,000 per cent.

Health fund boss estimates confirmed again

In February, (former) BKK board member Andreas Schöfbeck sounded the alarm because he saw that the number of doctor visits due to vaccines among the millions of clients of the German BKK company health insurance funds was as much as 10 times higher than the official figures. According to Schöfbeck, as many as three million Germans would have had to visit a doctor as a result of vaccination.

In a telephone conversation with WELT newspaper, which questioned Schöfbeck in response to the fire letter he wrote to the PEI, Schöfbeck said that alarm bells started ringing at BKK ProVita when the health insurer's case management increasingly came across diagnoses indicating adverse reactions to vaccination. Therefore, the common data pool of all BKK health insurance funds was searched for diagnosis codes T88.0, T88.1, Y59.9 and U12.9.

The search revealed that from the beginning of FY2021 to the middle of the third quarter, 216,695 BKK policyholders had been treated for vaccine adverse events. This number does not include 7,665 cases of complications due to other vaccines. The statistics also excluded patients undergoing more than one treatment. In comparison, until 31 December 2021, the Paul Ehrlich Institute recorded only 244,576 reports of adverse reactions due to corona vaccines, based on 61.4 million people vaccinated.

Schöfbeck was fired immediately, because of his revelations.

2.5 million doctor visits due to vaccines

In early July, it was revealed that Andreas Schöfbeck's estimates were probably right. This then emerged from a mid-June letter from the National Association of Physicians of Legal Health Insurance (KBV), which WELT managed to get hold of. KBV's review revealed that nearly 2.5 million citizens went to the doctor by 2021 because of side effects of the corona vaccination.

Evidence piles up

Both former health insurance boss Andreas Schöfbeck, the National Association of Doctors of Statutory Health Insurance (KBV) and now also the Techniker Krankenkasse show with figures substantiated that the actual number of serious side effects due to the experimental corona shots is many times higher than first officially assumed.

Even the Health Ministry in Germany has admitted that 1:5,000 pricks lead to hospitalisation, permanent disability or death - in itself very serious but probably a very conservative estimate.

What about in Belgium ? When are the Belgian mutual societies going to release their figures ? Why haven't they done so yet ?

What do they have or want to hide and above all, why ?

Is it because they are heavily subsidised by the government and the latter has silenced them ? Is it because there are too many interests at stake, such as the Christian health insurance company that won the 1 billion euro contract on contact tracing? Or is there another reason that we do not ( yet ) know ?

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