Carlo Maria Viganò, 82, ( ° 16.01.1941 ) is archbishop of the Catholic Church and served as apostolic nuncio to the United States for the Vatican from 19 October 2011 to 12 April 2016. Before that, he was secretary-general of the Vatican governorate from 16 July 2009 to 3 September 2011.
Monsignor Vigano has a very strong opinion on what is happening in the world and does not hide it. He has, for example, on several occasions in the past, accused Popes of covering up sexual crimes and abuses within the Catholic Church. He made world news with, among other things, a call for Pope Francis
to resign and his accusations about the existence of homosexual networks in Rome.
During the Covid pandemic, Vigano sent a long letter to President Trump denouncing the hoax and also, warning against the New World Order and Satanism.
" We have reason to believe that there are forces interested in causing panic among the world population for the sole purpose of imposing permanently unacceptable forms of restriction on freedoms, to control people and monitor their movements. The imposition of these illegal measures is a worrying prelude to the realization of a world government that is no longer controllable " he wrote.
Viganò's call, meanwhile renamed the corona manifesto, was also signed by 12 cardinals, bishops and auxiliary bishops, including Cardinal Gerhard Ludwig Müller and Cardinal Joseph Zen Ze-kiun. Cardinal Robert Sarah, the prefect of Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, had initially signed the appeal, but revoked his signature.
Vigano also defends the destruction of Ukraine and declared that all those who oppose the New World Order will receive the help and protection of God.
In the video below, his recent speech from 05.03.2023 where he once again throws everything on the table.
Note : his speech is in the French language. No video is yet available with subtitles in other languages. But, even if you don't understand everything, it is still worth listening to all the topics he brings up.
