French citizens are done with Emmanuel Macron.
69% think he is a bad choice as president and want him gone.
68% believe Macron despises his people and is not acting in their interests.
34% want even heavier demonstrations than has been the case so far in the past 4.5 months and 28% want demonstrations in the same rank which brings the total to 62%. It is clear that the demonstrations against pension reform and against Macron will not stop and will continue unabated in the coming months.
Macron is the next head to roll. He too will be prosecuted and convicted in court.
The Belgian Constitution explicitly provides for the criminal prosecution of ministers and other politicians for crimes committed while in office.
Unlike certain other countries ( including, incidentally, the USA ) where judicial investigations and proceedings against politicians of the highest level are pending, nothing is happening in Belgium. The people are lax, just let it all happen and continue to swallow all the lies like hot air.
What more is needed before those who already know they are conned take action and those who don't yet know realize that none of what the federal and regional authorities decide is in the interest of the people but, on the contrary, severely disadvantages them in their rights ?