The French leading newspaper LE FIGARO reported on 28.06.2022 that a clandestine laboratory has been discovered ( and rolled up ) at the NATO military base in Kleine-Brogel and US nuclear weapons have been stored ( also ) at this base since the 1980s.
This lab clandestinely manufactured drug MDMA ( Extacy ).
What does VRT say ?
"The Kempenland zone police have discovered a drug lab NABIJ the military domain in Burkel, a hamlet in Peer. MDMA was being made in a remote and abandoned building, close to the NATO pipeline. The drug lab was discovered IN THE BUILDING of the NATO military domain in Peer.
Drogue : un laboratoire clandestin découvert sur une base belge abritant des armes nucléairesUn laboratoire de fabrication de pilules d'ecstasy a été découvert sur une base militaire belge connue pour héberger une partie de l'arsenal nucléaire...
