On 16 February 2023, a scientific study was published in The Lancent in which has been established that natural immunity to COVID, after a previous infection by a pre-Omicron, is at least as high, if not higher, than that which can be acquired by an mRNA vaccine, The immunity was high and remained high even after 40 weeks. In case of previous infection with an Omicron variant, immunity was reportedly lower.
This study was funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, now the Gates Foundation. As already pointed out in an earlier article, Bill Gates sold his shares in BioNtech last year at 20 times the price he had paid for them and has also made $200 billion on vaccines through other channels. Now it probably doesn't matter to him that things are said as they really are. During his recent visit to the Lowy Institute in Sidney Australia, he himself stated that the mRNA vaccines are not efficient, do not work on new variants and have only a short duration.
Very peculiar but actually not so, is that this time the main stream media did not sweep the study under the carpet but reported on it extensively. Not in Europe, of course, but certainly in the United States.
The Hill has even indicated that the US CDC is finally recognising natural immunity and lawmakers should follow suit.