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Writer's picture: WWHISPERWWHISPER

When it rains in France, it drips in Belgium and all other European member states. No doubt about that. There is a plan and that plan will be implemented throughout the EU. To soften the pill, the plan is neatly wrapped up in a multitude of events.

The sharp inflation and ditto rise in the prices of all food, non-food and energy prices have put the knife to the throat of French citizens. They can no longer make ends meet. Macron further incurred the wrath of citizens when he presented his pension reform bill in January 2023. Anyone who has studied the matter in depth knows that it is about much more than simply raising the retirement age. Pensions have to go down. It costs too much. In the future, French citizens will only be able to boast a full pension of 1,200 euros gross if they have worked for 42 years and paid contributions. If they have worked less than 42 years but for at least 30 years, they will receive a pension of 600 to 800 euros gross per month. Unsurprisingly, the French have taken the streets en masse and continue to demonstrate to this day, even though the draft law, has now, in application of Article 49.3 of the Constitution, become law without a prior vote in Parliament, and Macron has not the slightest intention of deviating from it.

That he is putting his plan for a universal basic income on the table right now is, in terms of timing, the ideal moment to calm tempers again. Brilliantly conceived.

There has long been talks of introducing a universal basic income for all. In some countries such as Norway, Finland, the USA and Brazil, this social model already exists, albeit on a limited scale.

In France, the Netherlands and Belgium, this social model also already exists but not for everyone. Those who are unemployed receive unemployment benefits. Those unable to work due to illness receive a replacement income and those living on the border of society or recognized as immigrants receive also a basic income ( OCMW, SMIC or other ).

As from 2017 Denmark also started providing a universal basic income to all citizens of Danish nationality from 2017, as a kind of pilot project, and conducted a study around this concept in order to find out what impact a free basic income of 1,500 euros per month per person would have on society.

They came to a surprising conclusion.

- 1/3 of the active population (cohabitants and singles) continued to work and significantly increased their monthly budget through the combination of basic income and income from work

- for 1/3 of the active population (families with children), one of the partners stopped working to look after the children and the household, while the other continued to work; thanks to the double basic income and income from work, the family income became higher than prior to the introduction of the basic universal income

- about 1/3 of the active population ( older couples without child burden ) have both stopped working; their double basic income was sufficient to make ends meet. The older couples usually no longer have loan burdens. Their house is paid off.

As long as there are no conditions attached to acquiring an universal basic income, this is a nice gift from the government. However, those who are smart know that governments never simply hand over gifts. When they give something, they always take something back via a roundabout route and often more than they have given.

It is expected that many will react enthusiastically to the introduction of a universal basic income without realizing that this is a poisoned gift.

What Macron wisely conceals with his current plan is that once the universal basic income will be a reality, conditions will be attached to it ( social credit system ) and that free income will also be used as an instrument to compensate for unpaid taxes, fines or expenses. The basic right will thus become an way to put pressure on the population to comply with all government rules. If a new pandemic were to occur in the future, it cannot be ruled out that basic law will also be linked to vaccinations and the fulfillment of other obligations such as, for example, the ban on leaving one's home and the ban on travel.

Russia has just published that, following China's example, it is introducing a social credit system for all men +18 years old who do not fulfill their civic duty as patriots. Anyone who does not comply with a call for military service will be socially excluded, a very probate application of the St Nicholas rule ' he who is good gets a treat, he who is naughty gets the rope'.

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